mardi 26 novembre 2013

Israël - A Jewish mother fined for refusing to have her baby circumcised!

Outstanding mother: “I’ve been exposed to a lot of information about circumcision and decided not to proceed with the circumcision,” the woman told Channel 2. “I have no right to cut at his genitals and to maim him, and the court has no authority to force me to.”!

Israël - Une mère juive condamnée à une amende parce qu'elle veut sauver son bébé de la circoncision

Une mère exceptionnelle: "J'ai été soumise à beaucoup d'information sur la circoncision et décidé de ne pas l'effectuer." a déclaré cette femme à) Channel 2.

"Je n'ai pas le droit de couper ses parties sexuelles et de le mutiler, et le cour n'a aucune autorité pour m'y forcer."!

lundi 18 novembre 2013

Exposition d'oeuvres d'enfants autistes

A VOIR ABSOLUMENT DU 4 AU 30 NOVEMBRE, NOTAMMENT POUR LES OEUVRES DE LUCILE, l'exposition "Dans la vraie vie de mon rêve" de l'association La main à l'oreille, ayant pour but de promouvoir la place des autistes dans la cité, déménage au Centre l'animation Reuilly, 19 rue Antoine Julien Hénard, 75012 (M° Dugommier, Mongalet)

vendredi 8 novembre 2013

A voir absolument : deux expositions Louise Narbo

                                                                   "Ici, tout est ordre et beauté, luxe, calme et volupté."

L'univers de Louise n'est que douceur et féminité, suggestion plutôt qu'affirmation. Le tranchant d'une page ou l'aube d'un rayon tombant sur un livre ouvert se font de velours pour évoquer un phallus dressé ou "La naissance du monde". Ici, une nuque estompée, un sein vaporeux, appellent la caresse du regard. Là une main studieuse a tracé quelques mots-souvenirs. Seuls quelques premiers plans arborés ou les mordorés d'un carnet rappellent la cruauté froide ou les pentes escarpées d'une nature transcendée par la tendresse.

La première exposition : "Corps et feuillets", la plus remarquable, a lieu jusqu'en janvier à la bibliothèque de la mairie du 10ème arrondissement (4ème étage) (ma 10-19, me 10-18, jeu 14-19, ven 10-19, sa 9h30-12h30) et permet de voir les photos ci-dessous :

La deuxième ouverte à la galerie Artyfact, 9 rue Forest, tout près de la place Clichy, met en correspondance la vision de Louise et celle de quelques unes ou uns de ses collègues.

dimanche 27 octobre 2013


Since she was convinced that homosexuality is pathological and that homosexuals must not become psychoanalysts (Roudinesco E. Preface of Correspondance Sigmund Freud – Anna Freud, 1904 – 1938. Paris: Fayard; 2012. p. 15), rumours without proof according to which she would have been a lesbian accuse her of intellectual dishonesty and are therefore libelling.


Puisqu'elle était convaincue que l'homosexualité est pathologique et que les homosexuels ne doivent pas devenir psychanalystes, les rumeurs sans preuve selon lesquelles elle aurait été lesbienne l'accusent implicitement de malhonnêteté intellectuelle et sont donc diffamatoires (Roudinesco E. Preface of Correspondance Sigmund Freud – Anna Freud, 1904 – 1938. Paris: Fayard; 2012. p. 15).

vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Black and white power salute!

I copy-paste here a very imaginative and witty "explanation" by Eddie Cochran on this forum (23h 54 message):

"Madame White en rose sur la photo de gauche, ce qui est logique par rapport à la couleur, lève le bras parce qu'elle participe à un concours international de la plus sexy pilosité axiale sponsorisé par Gillette Venus, en présentant ses aisselles à un jury de trois membres, deux juges gantés et un juge mains nues. Les juges gantés de noir - d'où la référence dans le titre du fil à l'adjectif black - en levant leur bras lui accordent la note maximum, le juge qui reste les bras ballants comme le couillon qu'il est n'accorde que la note minimale.

La dame fait partie des gens intacts de toute mutilation rituelle ou culturelle, elle est pile poil dans son jus comme la Nature l'a créée. Les deux juges sont des gens avé un caractère trempé, ce sont des gens entiers dans leurs convictions intactes.

Sigismond défend le principe de la mise hors la loi des mutilations sexuelles imposées à des hommes et des femmes sur les fondements fallacieux, archaïques et obscurantistes prônées par toutes sortes d'entités animées par des considérations sectaires surgies de l'ennui des temps.

Comme il lui était impossible pour des raisons de netiquette de publier des photos choc illustrant les atteintes in vivo perpétrées sur les malheureuses victimes, il a donc choisi d’appeler notre réflexion sur ce délicat sujet en usant du second degré, les poils des dessous de bras ayant parfois une connotation sexuelle dans l'imaginaire fantasmé de nombre de personnes du grand public . Par la symbolique de la robe rose, de la dame blanche et des gants noirs il a voulu démontrer que la question n'est poilante pour aucun groupe ethnique et  que l'on ne coupera pas à un débat sur le fond du problème : les nanas blanches ont-elles raison de ne pas se raser les aisselles juste pour plaire à des hommes de couleur qui ne prennent pas de gants avé elles ?

Même si vous trouvez ça barbant, comme l'annonce le titre du fil, quel que soit votre couleur d'appeau il en va de votre salut d'y répondre de manière tranchée !"

jeudi 10 octobre 2013

Miley Cirus, femen of the year! (updated with images 10.20.2013)

Dear Miley, Mrs. Sinead O'Connor obviously cannot compete with you and particularly not her multiplication of matronizing and moralizing open letters ( that overall refer to her own disastrous experience of ill-advised star. Your marketing team is obviously far more efficient than hers at the time of her attack against a pope and the big fun you make around your own admirable clip ( is amusing the whole world. I enjoyed it, thank you. Now you did well to give up all polemic with her; she is too vulnerable and is not even aware of the fact that she was the first to insult you through calling you a whore. She got her answer right but if she wants an apology, she should apologize first, shouldn't she?

But moreover, through symbolically using a huge bell clapper for a swing game of nude going, you give a strong hand to the Femen who banged on Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral brand new bell during its consecration ceremony. They attacked the pope just like Sinead.

Miley Cirus, September 2013 (

The Femen in Notre-Dame de Paris, February 2012

Thanks to them, nudity has become women's first weapon against male chauvinism, matriarchy-patriarchy, and against their main argument: religions. Now you too, present the world with nice lay images against the undemocratic privilege of those whose bells keep on banging our ears hour after hour as if God was a clock! The man in your song is indeed as much a chain and ball to your feet as the priests to our ears.

The Femen in front of the Egyptian Embassy in Russia, 2013

The lovely images you offer us figure well side by side with the Femen's ones. Your symbolism has the advantage to present the wrecking you complain about in your song in a striking but nonviolent way. It nicely avenges for the psychological violence which the woman in the song endured, through violence against the walls, not the person.

So, dear "Smiley", your outstanding singing talent is beautifully supported by the genius of your director. Introducing nudism into the singing business is brilliant, all the more when joined with sentiment and humour. Miley, humanity will be thankful to you for joining the Femen and even going further in the fight against male chauvinism and Puritan bigotry. Your way is far more efficient (including for yourself) than Sinead's suicidal despise towards Pope John Paul II (any psychologist would think that she seemed to be settling an account with her own father), which did wreck her own career.

Sinead O'Connor tearing Pope John-Paul II's photograph, 1992

There is actually a great difference between prudish Sinead's rebellion against having been pimped by religion and religious education, and your own revolt. Your kissing that chain both subtly and grossly ridicules the enslavers of women through the kind and loving gift of your nudity and beauty. But Sinead's exhibition of her shaved skull was more masochistic than beautiful. Playing (not being) a prostitute, you subvert show business in a similar way to the black athletes in Mexico Olympic games,...

Black power salute, Mexico, 1968

Woman power salute, 200?

 but in a far less aggressive way. Kudos! Nudity is nice, it is the weapon of babies.

At variance with you, Sinead acts under the pressure of either "phone calls from various newspapers" or her "record company" eager to make more money with her, exactly what she reproaches you! She is merely projecting her own experience upon you. Since her story has something in common with Amanda Bynes' one, she seems to be making a mixture between you and her. Sinead must stop undermining women's fight against abusive men. She needs to learn that while drugs, notably alcohol, prostitution and rape belong to masculine culture, the feminine culture of nudity is a culture of nature, worthy for both sexes.

Her baby profiting by Amy Woodruff's yoga session

France's ex-first lady

Heinrich Campbell's FB profile picture
Demi Moore

No, prudish Sinead, deliberately chosen nudity is an act of bravery that cannot be called being a prey or whore. A prey is powerless; Miley's and the Femen's nudity is the most innocent, the most harmless form of power. They are powerful because they are free persons dressing and speaking freely, and no one can pimp them. Stupid and retrograde men will censor them, throw them out or jail them but while they are young and beautiful, which is their only capital, Miley and the Femen are absolutely right to make as much money as they can with it. So, please hush down your jealousy and moralizing morality. Leave Miley alone; she did not ask you anything, you provoked her calling her a whore. You got what you deserved when she answered calling you crazy. She has chosen to bury the quarrel you started, please, imitate her.

Writing about Miley: "… let’s give our young women the right weapons to fight with as they charge naked into battle, instead of ordering them to get back in the house and put some goddamn clothes on.", Amanda Palmer agrees with us (; so does Gloria Steinem who tells about Miley: "I think that we need to change the culture, not blame the people that are playing the only game that exists." (

Now, "WOMEN, UNITE!"; Miley, Sinead, both Amandas, and other ones, instead of intellectually competing in endless rationalisations (like men would do!), please join your hearts and give for the fight against sexual mutilation that is one of the worst crimes against humanity since it strikes children and young girls (you can rely on this NGO that is run by workers of the UNO:

Yours sincerely,

Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau
Intactivist, Psychoanalysis researcher

Author of "Feminine and masculine sexual mutilation, the greatest crime against humanity", for free atéBertauxNavoiseau