of blocking
The only obscene
nudity is that of the glans, M. Zuckerberg!
the area of nudity, Mark Zuckerberg claims to right the wrongs of the whole
world and lecture it. He makes us think of Napoléon III whipping a nude by
Courbet showing a female rump. Nevertheless, it was not The origin of the world, the publication of which earned the deletion
of his page to a French teacher. We owe the suit brought by the latter that
French justice assumed jurisdiction whereas Facebook wanted to impose US
courts. Facebook did it again by censoring the reproduction of the famous nude
by the French radio France-Info, in support of that teacher:
had taken advantage of their message to do it again myself, as a comment,
concerning the following militant work against excision that, a first time
published on my own page, was erased without other sanction by the American
account was closed without warning. The shock was severe and I thought of going
to court but our censors came back eight days later.
However, I had already incurred several
times the wrath of the Californians (deletion over the years of two accounts
under my name and three under the following pseudonyms I had to invent: Caroline Dubois, Myriam
Hanska and Marie Dubois) because of this or some other
judged inacceptable intactivist pics):
fellatio, second torture!
the FB rule is simple: no "nudity" or "sexually explicit
content". Must we think that Facebook believes that that image, without
any nudity, of a religious ceremony would be sexually explicit, paedophile
perhaps? But then, Facebook blasphemes!
Facebook's hypocrisy comes out when
the following activist picture is also censored, with a sanction of blocking
for three days, under the pretext of forbidding images showing an abuse of the
child, as if such a representation should be forbidden even when the intention
of standing against the abuse in question is obvious:
We come to the trauma of
circumcision in Zuckerberg, a circumcision of which we know that the Jews
derive a claim of moral superiority guaranteed by God himself:
command was not instituted to correct a congenital deficiency but a moral
can we not think that our unfortunate circumcised castigates nudity because of
the prohibition of pleasure, especially autosexual pleasure, instituted as a
moral rule by sexual mutation? A hope, however, is that Facebook's founder was
born into a reformist Jewish family; he might be in favour of Brit shalom
rather than Brit milah.
next day of that largely shared publication, FB blocks me in all my groups for
three days without warning not explanation. And again two days later, but for a
week this time! Zuckerberg
avenges, cowardly.
pretence to moral superiority lies upon the obscene nudity of your glans, Mr Zuckerberg!
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