by Dr
Michel Beaugé
by Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau)
Having been in charge
for more than 10 years of systematic medical prevention examination of 1st-year
students, I am led to diagnosing a large number of phimosis with old
adolescents and young adults.
In this 18-22 years old
masculine population, we see that almost 10% have a to-varying-degree tight
foreskin, ranging from complete inability to uncover the glans, to a simple
ring that gets blocked in the balanic fissure. The term phimosis is used here
in the sense of a preputial ring diameter smaller than the diameter of the erected
On questioning, it
appears that the vast majority of these subjects are virgins and that among
those who are sexually experienced, many have experienced a failure with
difficult intromission, pain and loss of erection, except perhaps the case of
the tightest phimosis that succeeds in making the penis penetrate with the glans
covered. Others expose themselves to the risk of paraphimosis through persevering
in coital sex.
This occurrence and the
difficulties to complete intercourse, make the medical treatment of phimosis necessary.
The conventional
treatment of phimosis is circumcision or, in the best case, a simple plasty of
the foreskin that keeps the skin fold but opens the ring.
For a number of
reasons, I was led to refute this therapeutic approach. The surgery is
- brutal, irreversible,
- need for anaesthesia,
these last two elements
can cause complications of surgery in general,
- reduces the mobility
of the sheath in case of circumcision: This item is of importance and will come
back to it,
- mentally stressful by
the cutting of a highly symbolical element in a subject on the eve of his
sexual life,
- creates an anatomical
change: the amputation determining a sex different from his peers, synonymous
of abnormality at an age when the certainty of normality is not achieved in
- brutal putting into the
air of the mucosa due to the suppression of the glans protection,
- infringement of masturbatory
habits, which can be a serious trauma,
- possible failure of
plasties by scar reconstruction of the necking,
- cost of intervention
and hospitalization.
Rehabilitation of the
foreskin could be considered because it is:
- logical: in medicine,
surgeons are only offered failures of rehabilitation, may it be of muscles,
tendons or skin,
- lazy,
- progressive,
- discrete,
- free,
- non-traumatic or
disturbing for the subject,
- keeps the foreskin
that has a crucial role,
- enables to keep the
masturbatory habits,
- avoids the pain of
the bare glans in these subjects.
The cases encountered
reveal that teens or young adult subjects with phimosis have masturbatory
practices that are different from others.
Typically, the research
of solitary pleasure is made with the dominant hand closing upon the penis, and
performing alternative back and forth movements along the shaft, the hand going
down to the pubis, uncovering the glans that the index or the thumb may sometimes
skim over, replicating the mechanics of coitus.
This gymnastics amounts
to performing the mobilizing of the skin of the penis as it will be requested
in vaginal intercourse, and the matter is therefore exactly a training to adult
sex. We shall see later that this practice is not purely mechanical, but
participates in the psychic development of the individual.
I have established a
classification of other masturbatory practices often encountered among patients
with phimosis.
1 Some boys never
masturbate. Their assertions may be doubted, but their tight phimosis almost
constantly makes credible their claims. The ejaculations happen during sleep
(nocturnal emissions), and more rarely spontaneously during the day, on occasionally
stimulating events with these patients who feel guilty about sexual touching.
2 Other caress the
glans through the foreskin in a rather conventional way but try to pull the
skin towards the end of the penis instead of towards the pubis. The persistence
of a long foreskin in spae of trunk, as with many small children, can be found with
these boys.
3 Sometimes the matter is
to roll the penis between both palms or between one hand and another surface
such as the abdomen, the thigh, the table, the edge of a seat (WC in
particular). It is quite common then, that the lower face of the sex is not
median but more or less in spiral, the orifice of the foreskin being also often
4 The physical
stimulation without manual involvement is most frequently found again (perhaps
with less guilt). The boy, generally laying flat on his bed, works as for a
coitus with her pelvic muscles and rubs his penis against the mattress or
pillow, often through the pants in which he arranged a disposable towel to
avoid all stain that, facing his mother, would betray his practices.
5 ° Inter-femoral
coitus exists, facilitated by a curved down penis, unless the activity
determines this anatomical peculiarity. This technique has the advantage of
being able to be performed in society, just like some women provoke orgasms through
clenching their legs, climbing a rope, or pedalling a bicycle.
6 Instrumental
masturbation: it is likely, by a vibrator, the shower of the bath... It was
never revealed to me in this generation and should, therefore, be unusual or
7 ° For memory
autofellatio when suppleness allows it.
Facing a young man suffering
from phimosis I propose:
after having analyzed
the masturbatory practices of the subject, it is necessary to explain him the
role of masturbation in adolescence as described in the 5 previous points. This
conversation has the advantage of ridding of is guilt, if necessary, genital
He should then be taught
the best technique in order to roll back his foreskin releasing the tip of the glans.
In fact, triggering orgasmic pleasure and immediately supplanting it by another
is rarely possible for a boy who had organized an appropriate stimulation. In
general, this new practice is unable to lead him to the same pleasure and would
tend to impair the quality of erection. This might explain why these boys
willingly fail in their first sexual intercourses; the one accustomed to
rotational movements on his penis for several years, will be quite unable to
find these mechanics in a vagina. I also often advise alternating some felt and
known movements as stimulants with rehabilitation gestures. It is, of course,
important that the preputial ring is tensioned on the volume of the fully erected
glans. This technique joins the basis of physiotherapy of soft tissues upon which
mobilization enables progressive elongation and limbering up. In some cases, I happened
to propose instrumental dilatation using a spacer to subjects accessible to
this concept or suggest them the introduction of two fingers into the foreskin through
the opening in order to force it.
Perhaps is it logical
to draw a parallel between the preputial ring of the boy and the hymen of the
girl. In both cases, the matter is a mucocutaneous narrowing opposing coitus, although
allowing the flow of urination or menstruation. The hymen can be released by
traumatic rupture during a brutal penetration, or by smooth and progressive
expansion when the lover is sensitive or shy.
Either for the foreskin
or the hymen, the turgid balanial punch will be able to expand the opening.
So, the boy can
gradually bring the foreskin to a diameter equivalent to the glans, which will secondarily
allow him to access sexual intercourse without risk of paraphimosis.
During this
rehabilitation, however, there will come a time when the foreskin, sufficiently
dilated to clear part of the glans, will be too tight to pass the biggest inferior
part; due to the conical shape of the glans it is then possible to imagine that
a strong pulling might succeed to drag the ring down into the balanial fissure,
but that the reverse movement should be impossible, constituting the
masturbatory paraphimosis. This seems highly unlikely to me for several
- handling is done
under the control of sight by a subject perfectly able to perceive the degree
of tension of the foreskin, which is not the case during sexual intercourse,
especially if it is one of the first;
- if, however, paraphimosis
were to occur under these conditions it could only be moderately tight and
would immediately be reduced with the subject free to "readjust" himself
easily. Furthermore, this case excludes the notion of orgasm (masturbation would
immediately be interrupted) and thus the increase of volume and hardness of the
glans. In coital paraphimosis, the passage of the foreskin in the balanial
fissure takes place during intercourse, orgasm secondarily causes this increase
and hardness of the glans, complicating recapping. And finally, the discomfort
of the boy in handling himself in front of his partner in order to pull his
foreskin back explains the time given for the oedema to settle and lock up the
sad situation.
I was led to make these
pieces of advice to forty boys every year and therefore, this relates to
several hundred cases. Monitoring preventive medicine is not the rule and many
are not seen again; however, about half of them turned out again to have a
satisfactory result reported. And even, some particularly pleased to have benefited
such a gentle and discreet method, granted me their confidence for other
diseases and thus came to account for the success of their approach in the
longer term.
Concerning my city customers,
several dozens of teenagers received the same pieces of advice and I find that in
15 years of experience, I've never sent any of my patients to the surgeon.
For a small number of
boys who accepted a photographic snapshot of their foreskin tense upon the erected
glans day zero and a second shot 4 weeks later, it appears that the free
passage of the foreskin is obtained by rule within this period.
If the therapeutic
approach of the medical treatment of phimosis by adolescent masturbatory practice
must be criticized, two questions arise:
Is it permissible to
talk about masturbation with these boys?
Should circumcision be
Masturbation is
essential in humans:
It relates to all little
children and usually forms the sexual life of the Western adolescent.
Note that in our
society, adolescence extends sometime during the third decade, and that masturbation
concerns these young singles.
Some married men often
compensate for the difference of libidinal appetite they have concerning their
wives or even their mistress!
Let us also include
temporarily or permanently lonely men, voluntarily or involuntarily, according
to the vagaries or even dramas of life.
We know that
masturbation is also a type of relationship in the couple and that more and
more often the woman will masturbate her partner to avoid for-several-reasons unwanted
- menstruation
- vulvovaginal
- risk of pregnancy
or finally, through a mere
appeal for the phallus that, so, she can "tame".
Masturbation is also
well known to obtain or renew an erection when the psychic stimulation is insufficient.
Masturbation is also
the practice of "safer sex" (safe sex) as described in the prevention
of AIDS and even advised by some governments such as Canada.
Masturbation is
currently proposed twice a week as an adjuvant treatment of chronic prostatitis
of the bachelor.
The symbolic of masturbation
is ubiquitous in daily activities and humorous stories. Let us be content with illustrating
this idea by the image of the arrival of a car race with the triumphant
agitation of a Champagne Magnum rewarded by an abundant ejaculation.
Sexual pleasure
obtained by masturbation is it legitimate?
Vision, hearing, smell
are senses that have been determined to ensure the survival of the individual through
hearing, seeing, smelling predators in order to defend from them, but also to
capture them and be fed by them. Today, in our society, these senses are extensively
exploited for obtaining voluptuous sensations through music, visual or
pictorial arts, perfumes. Similarly, the necessary taste to recognize the
suitability of food is operated in the direction of gastronomy, and even
smoking and oenology.
We acknowledge that
civilization allows us this drift in the use of our sense organs, we outscored
sensual and sexual pleasure from the imperative of reproduction and survival of
the species (which would be satisfied with 3 or 4 coitus in one's life?), therefore,
we can free the expression of sexuality as each one wants (within the limits of
the freedom of others of course) and get rid of the biblical guilt of erotic
function. Masturbation perfectly stands into this erotic function and morality
has no rational arguments to repress it.
To quote Freud, "The
birth of psychoanalysis": "I have come to believe that masturbation
was the only major habit, the primitive need and that the other appetites, such
as the need for alcohol, morphine, tobacco, are only substitutes, alternative
products. "
Current Western
sexology emphasizes the quality of love and psychic relationship in the success
of sexuality. This is very commendable and noble, and also often checked, but it
is in fact neither sufficient nor necessary. The technique of sexuality and the
characteristics of the genitalia also have their part in sexual success. Analyzing
the factors of sexual nomadism and possibly of prostitution is enough to be
Whereas masturbation is
involved in the acquisition of sexual technique and contributes to
morphological development, it seems to be justified again.
Reducing masturbation
to sole organic pleasure through mechanical stimulation is often tempting. This
is untrue, despite the tale of the sad animal afterwards...
It is certain that
masturbation has anxiolytic and antidepressant action if it is not felt guilty.
Moreover, behind all masturbation, on the psychic level, conscious and
unconscious fantasy activity exists. And so, the teen dreams and repeats (in
the sense of theatrical rehearsal) the still inaccessible sexual intercourse.
In fact, on the day of the first intercourse, he is not completely a virgin,
not quite innocent, not quite inexperienced.
So, we must get rid of
the socio-cultural guilt and then, advising the teenager to turn to a technique
related to coital mechanics appears legitimate.
Circumcision is
experienced by the subject who endures it as a partial castration; it removes
some of the genitals, at the end, which symbolically is particularly striking.
The patient ignores, like most doctors, the part and usefulness of the
foreskin, which makes that the degree of loss, of damage – dare we say - is not
quantified, and in this way can have no limit.
Circumcision is akin to
excision that inspires us so much disgust since it is often proposed with the
ulterior motive of preventing auto-eroticism while maintaining reproductive
capacity. This assault of genitality is still very present in the minds and let
us note that in France, if excision does not exist in its bloody and sharp
form, it has been expressed, however, till little time, under a mental and
insidious form with the peddling of notions such as "an honest woman
should not have fun", and that sexual relationship within the couple was a
conjugal duty like other works. Every practitioner with experience of sexology
knows that the damage that these ideas go on provoking in the sexual life of
many patients.
Man in general and
adolescents, in particular, is facing a fear of genital abnormality, both in
its biometrics, as in its morphology, as well as for sexual performance abilities.
This fear is fueled by common boasting in the schoolyard ... On this sensitive
field, an amputation makes this concept of abnormality mature, especially as we
are in a country where men are usually not circumcised.
More objectively, the procedure
determines an aesthetic change and the risk of considering the sex disfigured;
circumcised men, in our latitudes, may impose disgust at himself and at his troubled-by-this-continually-uncovered-glans
partners. We are used to a skin cover of the entire body, and a break or change
of this envelope creates, by the cruel vision of the husked penis, a feeling of
uneasiness like the sight of blood, or of a tegument anomaly (labial slit,
eczema ...). When we know the fragility of the sensitive erotic function to psychic
disturbance, we measure the impact that may result from this change.
Conversely, it should
be recognized that in the USA, it is observed that the sisters of circumcised
boys may feel this very trouble facing a partner with a glans naturally covered.
The foreskin is the lid
of the glans. Its folding exposes the balanic mucosa and causes more or less
temporarily a sharp pain that the subject really would have done without. The
glans is a valuable part of the male and it is in our minds that the things of
value have a sheath. The circumcision is the removal of the sheath.
The foreskin is also an
erogenous zone of importance; it is perhaps the first one known to the child,
then, it is an erogenous "starter" place, especially effective for triggering
an erection, as the glans, at that time, has only a poor sensitivity. It also seems
that the caress of the foreskin particularly well maintains the erection, without
risk of switching to orgasm. An informed partner perceives these features and
will know, thanks to the foreskin, to communicate lasting and high-quality sensations.
Circumcision removing the nerve endings of this skin surface will deprive the
subject of this pleasure.
Beyond the specific
sensitivity of the foreskin, the suppression by the circumcision of the
possibility of friction of the glans must be taken into account, and the
obligation to search for a more or less difficult new masturbatory technique.
Fragility, the fineness
of the balanic mucosa explains that the stimuli through direct digital friction
be quickly unpleasant. At variance, they are tolerable and even voluptuous when
friction, instead of being direct, occurs through the sheets of the foreskin.
There is no longer friction-rubbing at the level of the mucosa but variations of
pressure inside the glans. Nerve endings are not sensitive to touch but to
pressure. Let us note that some masturbations are done through massaging the
spongy body, pushing blood into the penis, and each wave increasing the pressure.
Dr Gérard Zwang, in
"Circumcision, what for?", expresses the same ideas with rich and
crisp semantics: "the child acquires the experience of conscious sexual
pleasure. Through practicing these pleasant gropes of the penis, the foreskin
is the intermediary. The only contact that the glans appreciates, tastes, and
tolerates is that, wet and padded, of the vaginal (or oral) mucosa. The rough
and dry friction of the hand, fingers, would soon become unbearable if good
nature had not precisely put the preputial screen between manual prompting and the
very touchy erogenous epithelium."
Circumcision appears to
promote rapid tensioning of the fraenulum during penetration and could contribute
to rapid ejaculation.
But overall, the
removal of the integumentary reserve that the foreskin is affects the
physiology of coitus. The main mission of the foreskin is not to allow
masturbation, although we welcome it, but to make that vaginal intercourse occurs
in optimal conditions without confrontation of the teguments of both partners.
A little experiment: through
two-finger pinching of the tip of the erect penis of an uncircumcised boy, it
is possible to lower these fingers down to the base of the penis without making
the slightest slip on the skin. The foreskin unfolds, this skin slides on the
penis, the length and elasticity of the tegument enabling to browse the entire
organ. There is no other body part where subcutaneous tissue allows such
This explains why
intercourse can continue without causing friction and thus irritation of the tegument
in contact, namely the skin of the penis and vaginal mucosa. The slide is not
between these surfaces, but between the dartos of the penis and subcutaneous
tissue particularly suited to this function.
At the contrary, the
amputation of the foreskin considerably, and even totally reduces, this
mobility by removing 4-6 cm of the reserve of the skin.
The consequences of
this reduction may be small if the subject suffers premature ejaculation since
the very brief intercourse cannot be irritating, as if the penis is very short
or animated motion of small amplitude. Conversely, a prolonged and vigorous intercourse
risks determining, despite the natural and possibly artificial lubrication,
severe irritation with man and woman.
I was led to examine a
young circumcised man in the military service: his erection was rendered painful
by the sole tensioning of the sheath, became shorter than the turgid corpora
cavernosa. His sexual ability was, at least for a time, completely destroyed,
and certainly impaired for the rest of his life.
One can also wonder whether
circumcision, so common in the United States, is not an element that, promoting
erosions of the ano-rectal mucosa during sodomy, would participate in the
transmission of HIV when we know that tegumentary breakings are the privileged
gateway of the virus.
Therefore, it appears
that phimosis, constant in young children, sees its frequency decrease with age
due to the handling of the penis. Therefore, masturbatory practice allows a
consistent morphological evolution towards future adult sexuality.
In cases where the
handling of sex does not lead to a tensioning of the preputial ring, this part keeps
a diameter insufficient to expose the glans and constitutes the congenital
phimosis of adolescents.
Physiotherapy is
effective to expand this ring and directs the subject to conventional
masturbation. The reduction of the phimosis can be obtained in a few weeks.
Speaking of
masturbation helps to take away the guilt of the subject and can break a taboo.
Medical treatment of
phimosis of the adolescent allows, when it is effective (and in the absence of
integumentary anomaly, this seems constant), to avoid multiple disadvantages of
the preputial amputation that circumcision is. Skin mobility of the sheath of
the penis, no longer able to benefit from the reserve of tissues, is thereby
limited and dynamics of coitus may be disrupted. In North America where
circumcision is widespread, techniques of reconstruction of a balanial cap develop
through surgical plasty or "stretching". The latter practice, by
tensioning the remaining skin, seeks to restore the mobility of the sheath as
it existed before resection.
We can smile finding
that the handling of tissues avoids surgery and, in the contrary case, to limit
the outcomes when such a gesture has unfortunately been practiced.
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