work overthrows through mere exegesis three millennia of Judaic orthodoxy about
the circumcision. Our interpretations of the whole passages of the Bible concerning
that mutilation converge to suggest that the Holy Book does not lie but that you
must know how to read it. Two disclosures must be done: firstly, the explanation
of the apparent contradiction between Genesis 15 and Genesis 17 shows that not
God but a pharaoh (a thesis underlying in "Secrets of the Exodus") imposed
on Abraham a Covenant the condition of which is the circumcision that Abram had
abolished when young, secondly and above all, the Second Commandment bans
circumcision, which is confirmed by the non mentioning of circumcision in the
Book of Deuteronomy. Merely military, the Covenant with Abraham had nothing
religious and, since Moses was opposed to circumcision, it could be implemented,
through the invasion of Palestine thanks to the help of the Egyptian army, only
at his death. The explanation of the scene of the circumcision of Moses' son, controversial
for the exegetes, is the icing upon our cake.
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