samedi 27 décembre 2014

Le Monde pose la question : "Une femme peut-elle montrer ses seins comme un homme son torse ?"

"Le débat porte sur le dernier point : les seins sont-ils une partie sexuelle du corps ? "

- "A l’évidence oui, avait affirmé lors de l’audience, Me Laurent Delvolvé, qui représentait le curé de la Madeleine. Quand il est palpé contre la volonté de la femme, c’est une agression sexuelle."

Parce que, selon Monsieur le Curé, la palpation d'une autre partie du corps contre la volonté de la femme n'est pas une agression sexuelle ? !

Qu'en penserait donc la vierge Marie, Monsieur le Curé ?

samedi 20 décembre 2014

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Circumcision, the silence of victims!

A book and 50 articles in order to know everything about circumcision:

Circoncision, le silence des victimes !

Un livre et un cinquantaine d'articles pour tout savoir sur la circoncision :

jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Le sexisme, une dramatique conséquence psychologique de la circoncision

Parmi les ravages psychologiques de la circoncision, l'un des tout premiers est le sexisme : domination des femmes, viol, mariage forcé, crimes d'honneur, lapidation, etc.
En Palestine occupée, les juifs Haredim (20% de la population de Jérusalem) refusent tout contact avec les femmes, les obligent à se mettre à l'arrière dans les autobus, installent des passages piétons non mixtes et les forcent à faire la queue séparément dans les magasins, le tout sous peine de harcèlement verbal et même d'agressions ( - Une émission d'ARTE sur la question :

Un événement récent, particulièrement scandaleux, fut l'occupation du couloir central d'un avion pendant 11 heures, bloquant l'accès aux toilettes au prétexte qu'ils refusaient d'être assis à côté d'une femme.

Du point de vue psychologique, tout cela est parfaitement naturel et s'explique par le fait que l'angoisse de castration (la circoncision est une menace de castration) génère ou peut générer la folie (psychose), ici collective. Leur comportement est rigoureusement "normal" ; trahis par leur propre mère à l'âge de 8 jours, ils ne peuvent pas supporter la présence d'une femme à leur côté, quoi de plus naturel ? !
Sources clinico-théoriques
« Les résultats de la menace de castration sont multiples et incalculables; ils affectent toutes les relations d’un garçon avec ses pères et mères et par la suite avec les hommes et les femmes en général. » Freud S. Abrégé de psychanalyse. 1938. Paris : PUF ; 1978. p. 60-62.
avec la note de bas de page suivante qui affirme discrètement que la circoncision est aussi une menace de castration :
« (1) …La coutume primitive de la circoncision, un autre substitut de la castration, ne peut être comprise que comme l’expression d’une soumission à la volonté paternelle… »
et aussi :
« … l’angoisse de castration est un des moteurs les plus fréquents et les plus forts du refoulement et par là même, de la formation des névroses. Des analyses de cas où ce ne fut pas la castration mais bien la circoncision qui fut pratiquée chez des garçons comme thérapie ou comme punition de l’onanisme (ce qui ne fut pas rare dans la société anglo-américaine) ont donné la dernière certitude à notre conviction. » Nouvelles conférences d’introduction à la psychanalyse. 1933. Paris : PUF ; 1995. O.C., XIX, p. 170.

vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Mathilde Forget l'ensorceleuse au Pan Piper (26 septembre 2014)

La fée Forget m'a encore frappé de sa baguette magique, comme à chaque fois que j'ai la faiblesse d'aller à ses spectacles après les claques reçues au retour de la péniche Antipodes (cf. ma critique de cette si belle soirée, pas mal gâchée après-coup : J'avais pu y goûter l'âpreté des "coulisses du spectacle" où Morice Bénin, le premier, m'a invité un jour "histoire de voir jusqu'où va la misère à fric" (sa chanson "Je te vends de l'amour, est-ce que tu veux m'en acheter…"). Le charme s'installe dès les premières roucoulades de cet oiseau cloué au sol sans ses ailes, mais qui nous en prête d'immenses pour la suivre dans son univers mi-réaliste mi-onirique de sentiments rares et fugaces, des rêves déçus aux petits matins blêmes, d'avancées et reculades de corps et de cœurs. La salle était galvanisée, recueillie, attentive, transportée dans un ailleurs fait des délicatesses subtiles d'une musicalité féérique et des sensations nées de la maîtrise d'un verbe étincelant, générateur d'émotions intenses. Tout était là : un charme fou, jeune et frais, tendre surtout malgré une cruauté de façade, une apparente décontraction, un petit solo de trompette jazzy, quelques paroles entre les chansons, des ratés savamment maîtrisés histoire de donner le change et le tour fut joué : tout le monde était conquis. Osé-je dire "Merci, Mathilde", après notre virulent différent ? Du fond du cœur, oui, car une fois encore, toi et ta musique m'avez fait vibrer comme personne d'autre, et toujours, bien sûr, au bord des larmes, vive la natation !

vendredi 12 septembre 2014


A Jewish son is getting married and says to his mother:
Mamma, can you choose me a tie?
The latter replies: "yes" and brings him a blue and a burgundy one.
On the wedding day, the son puts the blue one and she says:
You did not like the other?
- Oh, I did but you did not like it, on the day of my nomination, the foreskin that God gave me?

Un fils juif va se marier et dit à sa mère :
-Maman, tu peux me choisir une cravate ?
Cette dernière lui répond : "oui" et lui en apporte une bleue et une bordeaux.
Le jour du mariage le fils met la bleue et elle lui dit:
Elle te plaisait pas l'autre ?
- Si mais il ne te plaisait pas, le jour de ma nomination, le prépuce que Dieu m'a donné ?

mercredi 20 août 2014

mardi 5 août 2014


A circumcision turns into nightmare

"A botched circumcision operation of a child from the region of Thala, in Kasserine district, endangered his health. The child was transferred to the regional hospital of Kasserine in order to undergo surgery. Prejudiced, his family decided to lodge a complaint against the nurse who failed the operation to the point of endangering their child's health."

Une circoncision tourne au cauchemar



lundi 28 juillet 2014

Palestinian villages destroyed

In 1948, Israel wiped off the face of the earth 416 Palestinian villages; how many more are going to be?

Is it really “stupid and wrong” to compare slow death to the Holocaust?

dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Jews against the war on Gaza

Human shields or iron dome, that is the question!


Long live the Palestinian resistance!

The Palestinian people loses all its battles, it has not lost the war.

Sinead O'Connor's wish to boycott Israel

According to Dr Norman Finkelstein in university, the card of the holocaust is worn out!

Selon le Docteur Norman Finkestein en chaire, la carte de la shoah a fait long feu !

Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein Checks Jewish University Students For Using The Holocaust Card To Support Israel's Occupation!

Circumcised at 56 years old, he loses the whole penis

Patient, 56, wakes up from routine circumcision to find his penis amputated

  • Johnny Lee Banks, Jr., from Birmingham, Alabama, went for the routine procedure last month but awoke to find his penis was gone
  • In a lawsuit against the hospital and doctors, he said he had never been warned that losing all of his penis would be a possibility
An Alabama man awoke from a routine circumcision to find doctors had mistakenly amputated his penis, according to a lawsuit.
Johnny Lee Banks Jr., 56, and his wife, Zelda Banks, 55, filed the lawsuit against Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Jefferson County Circuit Court in Birmingham on Tuesday.
'My client is devastated,' their attorney, John P. Graves, said.
It is not known why Banks underwent the circumcision last month, but the lawsuit says he had been receiving treatment from the Urology Centers of Alabama when he went for the procedure.
'Botched procedure': A patient is suing Princeton Baptist Medical Center, pictured, after he went in for a routine circumcision operation but awoke to find doctors had amputated his penis
'Botched procedure': A patient is suing Princeton Baptist Medical Center, pictured, after he went in for a routine circumcision operation but awoke to find doctors had amputated his penis
In his lawsuit, he says he was never warned that the procedure might result in an amputation, and he never gave his consent for a full or partial amputation.
He has now been left in extreme pain and has spent additional time recovering in the hospital - costing him more money, according to the lawsuit, reported.
His wife is also suing for loss of consortium due to the botched operation.
The suit names the hospital, Urology Centers of Alabama, the Simon-Williamson Clinic and two doctors as defendants in the case.
Banks, who does not work due to a disability, is seeking an unspecified dollar amount in the suit.

'My client is devastated'

Attorney John P. Graves
A hospital spokeswoman says the claims lack merit but that they cannot provide further comment due to the ongoing litigation.
The other defendants didn't return messages seeking comment.
A similar lawsuit was brought in Kentucky in 2011 after a man's penis was partially amputated when a doctor found potentially deadly cancer while performing a circumcision surgery.
But a jury concluded that the doctor exercised proper care in performing the amputation without consulting the patient.

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Circoncis à 56 ans, il y perd son pénis !

Patient, 56, wakes up from routine circumcision to find his penis amputated

  • Johnny Lee Banks, Jr., from Birmingham, Alabama, went for the routine procedure last month but awoke to find his penis was gone
  • In a lawsuit against the hospital and doctors, he said he had never been warned that losing all of his penis would be a possibility
An Alabama man awoke from a routine circumcision to find doctors had mistakenly amputated his penis, according to a lawsuit.
Johnny Lee Banks Jr., 56, and his wife, Zelda Banks, 55, filed the lawsuit against Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Jefferson County Circuit Court in Birmingham on Tuesday.
'My client is devastated,' their attorney, John P. Graves, said.
It is not known why Banks underwent the circumcision last month, but the lawsuit says he had been receiving treatment from the Urology Centers of Alabama when he went for the procedure.
'Botched procedure': A patient is suing Princeton Baptist Medical Center, pictured, after he went in for a routine circumcision operation but awoke to find doctors had amputated his penis
'Botched procedure': A patient is suing Princeton Baptist Medical Center, pictured, after he went in for a routine circumcision operation but awoke to find doctors had amputated his penis
In his lawsuit, he says he was never warned that the procedure might result in an amputation, and he never gave his consent for a full or partial amputation.
He has now been left in extreme pain and has spent additional time recovering in the hospital - costing him more money, according to the lawsuit, reported.
His wife is also suing for loss of consortium due to the botched operation.
The suit names the hospital, Urology Centers of Alabama, the Simon-Williamson Clinic and two doctors as defendants in the case.
Banks, who does not work due to a disability, is seeking an unspecified dollar amount in the suit.

'My client is devastated'

Attorney John P. Graves
A hospital spokeswoman says the claims lack merit but that they cannot provide further comment due to the ongoing litigation.
The other defendants didn't return messages seeking comment.
A similar lawsuit was brought in Kentucky in 2011 after a man's penis was partially amputated when a doctor found potentially deadly cancer while performing a circumcision surgery.
But a jury concluded that the doctor exercised proper care in performing the amputation without consulting the patient.

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

vendredi 25 juillet 2014


“You have to understand the culture in which we live,” said Mordechai Kedar of Bar-Ilan University ( “The only thing that deters [Hamas leaders] is a threat to the connection between their heads and their shoulders.” When presenter Yossi Hadar asked if that “could filter down” the organization’s ranks, Kedar replied: “No, because lower down the considerations are entirely different. Terrorists like those who kidnapped the children and killed them — the only thing that deters them is if they know that their sister or their mother will be raped in the event that they are caught. What can you do, that’s the culture in which we live.”

One thing Mr. Kedar is not aware of is that the culture in which he lives is THE CULTURE OF CIRCUMCISION, in which there is no other law than THE LAW OF THE STRONGEST.
His so fascinating suggestion amounts to what Harold Searles calls "The effort to make the other mad" (; indeed it will make the Hamas still madder.
Another thing he is not aware of is that his proposal is the realization on Palestinian women of what your insane mind would like to do to your own mum who savagely betrayed you on your eighth day.

lundi 21 juillet 2014

Palestine has been invaded since Moses's death

Moses always refused to invade Palestine, which would have entailed atrocities. The war in this country started after his death.
Just like the Germans by Hitler, present Israelis are the victim of their far-right that has been falsifying Moses's law against violence and circumcision since 3.000 years:

vendredi 18 juillet 2014

Israeli MP calls for the most vicious "final solution"
This is either a gross provocation intended to make Israel realize what they are doing,
or it is a racism far more insane that whatever racism in history.

Indeed, condemning men to live in a world deprived of women is a condemnation to the most cruel slow death.

However, that madness must be connected with this one: all men should be circumcised. Indeed, the following article demonstrates that the logic of circumcision is the same as the logic of extermination:
These poor kids are symbolically wearing their foreskins on their heads.
For this man, it is different; he wears "it" on his head to make believe that he does not use "it".

mardi 1 juillet 2014

lundi 30 juin 2014

Circumcision and autosexuality - La circoncision et l'autosexualité

Nurses and UTIs - Les infirmières et les infections des nourissons par remontée urétrale

In order to prevent UTIs, nurses are supposed to wash their hands between each patient; do you think they do?
Wouldn't this be the reason why some nurses, and doctors, recommend circumcision?!

Pour prévenir ces infections, les infirmières doivent se laver les mains entre chaque patient ; pensez-vous qu'elles le font ?
Cela ne serait-il pas la raison pour laquelle certaines infirmières, et médecins, préconisent la circoncision ?

samedi 21 juin 2014


When I'm standing on the platform at the station,
and the billbooards point me to their sale,
everyone's down, I am turning round in circe-els,
I'm like a dog chasing his tail,
singing: "Oh, I am turning, spinning, rotahating, in circles I walk,
yes, I'm turning, spinning an' rotahating, in circles I walk.

vendredi 13 juin 2014

A letter from a circumcised to his circumciser

Lettre d'un circoncis à son circonciseur

Open etter to the President of the French republic against circumcision

Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau                   Monsieur le président de la république
89 rue d'Hauteville                                           Palais de l'Elysée
75010 Paris                                                        75008 Paris

 Paris, 11 June 2014,


When one of the highest ethical authorities of the state does not dare holding her word because of some faction, then, democracy is in danger. Now, on June 14 2013, at the founder meeting of "Excision, parlons-en" (Excision, let's talk about it) in La Sorbonne, Madame the president of the National consultative commission for human rights declared that she was going, in her report for your intention, mention that feminine and masculine sexual mutilation are discriminatory. But 1st October 2013, through pronouncing at a strong majority for the respect of the right of the child to physical integrity in the following terms:

"The Parliamentary assembly is particularly worried about a category of violation of the physical integrity of children, that proponents of these procedures have a tendency to present as beneficial for the child themselves in spite of obvious proofs of the contrary. This includes, between other things, feminine genital mutilation, circumcision of young boys for religious reasons,…",

the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe provoked an outcry from religious of all nationalities. Consequently, the report of the NCCHM did not dare speaking of discrimination.

But already, 27 March 2013, the Ombudsman and the children Ombudswoman had rejected my request concerning sexual mutilation of both sex children for the motive that it would not deal with one of the following fields:

"First, establishing an unfavourable treatment or a difference of treatment between persons placed in a comparable situation is necessary.

This differentiated of unfavourable treatment must then occur in a field forecast by law. These fields are essentially: professional life..., or the access to a good or a service...

At last it must be possible to explain this differentiated or unfavourable treatment by taking into account one of the criteria equally prohibited by law such as origin, sex, health status or handicap, age, sexual orientation, family situation, physical appearance, union activity, beliefs...

Consequently, without discussing either the reality of the facts that you describe, or the prejudice that you think these children endure,..., the situations you are referring to do not seem to constitute a discrimination in the sense of the law.

However, feminine genital mutilations, among which excision, are the source of great physical and psychological suffering for the children who endure them.

So, particularly sensitive to that problematic and to the consequences that such an action may generate, the Ombudsman is presently leading works referring to it, from the point of view of protection of childhood."

You will notice that Mrs Derain, in her last two paragraphs, seems discriminating the masculine sex through seeming to imply that masculine sexual mutilation, which regularly provokes deaths, would not be likely to entail great sufferings, psychological notably, but here again, this discrimination is not one "in the sense of the law".

This is why I am asking you to make that legislation would permit to get out of such a discourse and draw all the consequences in law of Principle 10 of the Universal declaration of the rights of the child of the United Nations organization:

"The child must be protected against practices that... may foster racial, religious of any other form of discrimination..."

whereas these practices not only push to discrimination but also are discriminatory in themselves. In this aim, considering on the one hand that a poll made in Germany resulted in 70% of the population in favour of the 7 May 2012 decision of the court of Cologne that condemned circumcision, on the other hand that it would be dubious that the members of Parliament would take the risk to alienate Muslim of Jewish votes, it seems desirable to ask the question by referendum. After the favourable opinion given by Mrs the ex-minister of the rights of women about my article "Sexual mutilation and the moral order", Mrs the minister of justice might usefully pronounce publicly about the one you will find here-joined. It shows to which point circumcision is an odiously discriminatory practice, with dramatic planetary consequences.

Thankfully yours,

Joint pieces:
- letter of Mrs the Ombudsman for children (for the Ombudsman)

- my article "Between barbarity and exclusion, ritual circumcision, height of a racism masked behind religion, tradition, culture and folklore (the dramatic psycho-sociological outcomes of circumcision make it the worst of racisms and the greatest crime against humanity, catalyst of fanaticism, terrorism, genocide and feminicide)"