vendredi 28 juin 2013

A letter to Trixie Whitley back from the Divan du monde - Paris, 27/06/2013

Paris, 06.28.2013,

Dear Trixie,

Last year already in La Cigale, your two fans who spoke to you just before I at the artist-exit, had, like me, been forced to tap their ears with their hands, compelled by the violence of deafening decibels (certainly far over 100) while they were – hopelessly – waiting for you inside the venue at the door leading to the backstage. As I'd gone outside where I had a long friendly talk with your so nice uncle (please give him my best souvenir), I found out that you wouldn't come out through the public door. So, since they seemed so anxious to talk to you, I went back to say it to them. They spoke to you first and I could hardly tell you what I needed to, as we were all, and you particularly (having to go back to Gent the very evening), tired out.

In La Cigale, it seems that the sound engineer spared you and during your own performance, the volume was bearable, hardly though. But last night in Le Divan, it was hopelessly violent. Only decibel addicts can stand that and you certainly lose a lot of audience that never comes in those venues. Since I'm not a masochist, I first asked the sound engineer to put it down a little. He roughly answered: "No!" and I had to yell: "It's too loud!" at you, far less loudly than what the stunning loudspeakers do with your own pleasant yells (it's likely that your own back-speakers don't give you the same horrible sound as the one we get on the other side of the stage). I acknowledge that my own shout was likely unpleasant; I was feeling very uncomfortable, suffering.

The issue is that you did not answer anything and did not do anything, probably because you may not ask requests to the people of the venue. Besides, a young woman next to me very unpleasantly said: "You're making her feel ill at ease." Therefore, all I could do was to put on "Quies balls" in my ears during the whole show, which was half spoilt! Thanks anyway, for all your good words: "We're in this together..." :-)

I passed a hearing test 2 years ago; my hearing is just normal, not hypersensitive. I've tested that suffering begins at 84db. Now, if you do not give me the insurance that you will make a maximum 83db a bottom line of the contract between you and your future venues, in spite of my great admiration and fondness for the one who immediately accepted to give a free concert against FGM, I will not come to your concerts any more. Or maybe just for a little chat at the artist-exit...

Love, Hervé

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mardi 18 juin 2013


Si l'on associe généralement la femme à la grâce, la douceur et la tendresse, cela inclut aussi une forme particulière de puissance devant laquelle les hommes ne peuvent que se taire. Nadéah en est une brillante illustration. Quelle que soit celle de ses inspirantes mélodies ou celui de ses admirables poèmes qu'elle puisse chanter avec une voix magnifique, que ce soit joyeux ou triste, fort ou tendre, elle garde toujours sur son visage une expression de grande simplicité et de naturel. Quand elle n'est pas rebelle, Nadéah est cool et simple. C'est une femme accomplie mais innocente comme une enfant et sans la moindre affectation, qu'elle soit très déshabillée ou pas. La nature dans sa plus belle expression. Mais quelle aimante et explosive nature ! D'une part, elle ferme rarement les yeux en chantant mais aime partager des regards avec le public, d'autre part, quand elle hurle de rage contre la médication forcée à l'HP, la mort d'un mari bien-aimé ou d'arrogants séducteurs, tout le monde tremble pour ses merveilleuses cordes vocales, mais non, elle se calme brusquement sans rien montrer de sa passion précédente. Une formidable présence liée à une absolue maîtrise de soi. Gentillesse est le mot, courage et beauté aussi.

Nadéah, douce et sexy poétesse, plongeuse en eau profonde (dis-tu), tu nous rapporte des perles magnifiques et tu es en train de monter au firmament des stars. Mais s'il te plaît, reste avec nous à Paris, ne serait-ce que pour apprendre aux français pressés à "transformer les heures en semaines" ...

P.S. : de retour d'un sympathique concert Place carrée des Halles, ce lundi 17 juin 2013.


If womanhood is usually associated with grace, gentleness and tenderness, it also includes a particular form of power in front of which men can only hush down. Nadéah is a good illustration of it. Whatever of her inspiring melodies and admirable poems she may sing with an amazing voice, may it be merry or sad, strong or tender, she always keeps on her face an expression of great simplicity and naturalness. When she is not a rebel, Nadéah is cool and simple. She is a fulfilled woman but as innocent as a kid without the slightest affectation, may she be very stripped or not. Nature at its best. But what a loving and an exploding nature! On the one hand, she scarcely closes her eyes when singing but enjoys sharing glances with members of the audience, on the other hand, when she yells in rage against forced medication in PH, the death of a beloved husband or arrogant seducers, everybody fears she would break her wonderful vocal cords, but no, she calms down abruptly without showing a trace of her preceding passion. A formidable presence linked to absolute self-possession. Kindness is the word, courage and beauty too.

Nadéah, sweet and sexy poetess, deep-sea diver (your words) bringing back wonderful pearls, you are rising up into the twilight of stars. But please, stay with us in Paris, would it only be to teach hurried French to "turn the hours into weeks"...

Back from a friendly concert Place carrée des Halles this Monday June 17 2013.

Les mutilations sexuelles et la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme

"Violation fondamentale des droits des femmes, l’excision est une pratique discriminatoire, contraire aux droits à l'égalité des chances, à la santé, au droit de ne pas être exposé à la violence, aux blessures, aux sévices, à la torture et aux traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants, au droit à la protection contre les pratiques traditionnelles préjudiciables, et au droit de faire librement des choix en matière de reproduction." 

On peut dire la même chose de la circoncision, pas de discrimination sexiste, s.v.p.

mardi 4 juin 2013

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